Ls1 backfire through exhaust. it could pop back through the intake.
Ls1 backfire through exhaust Fix the exhaust leak. when I shift from first to second it gave a single pop and I would never hear it again. 1995 z28 , abs 16" trans am rims , m6 , slp springs , k&n homemade cai ,3 inch exhaust,4. 2 years ago i had an LQ9 put in my car because i blew up the LS1 that it came with. MPG are the same. Also make sure you have ZERO vacuum leaks and exhaust leaks. It would backfire on startup and then if I put it in gear it would backfire like crazy JUMP TO TOPIC. Rich Air-Fuel Mixture (Too Much Fuel) One of the most common causes of exhaust backfires is that the engine runs with a rich air fuel mix. I pulled the valve covers and found 4 bend push rods. Even a small air leak can dramatically increase the intensity or likelihood of exhaust system backfiring. had a blower on this car since the mid 80s( i know, i'm old) had the car in this video I describe how I repaired the popping coming out my exhaust on my 1970 chevelle. 3 with a 4L60e transmission. i need some help i have a 6. Any ideas what would cause this? Could it be the exhaust restricting it so much it won't start? When very cold it runs fine, as it warms up the idle become rough and around 2000 rpm, it will shake the windows. slp springs , k&n homemade cai ,3 inch exhaust,4. Come join the discussion about performance, specs, builds, conversions, swaps, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! It has Longtube headers, Xpipe no cats and true dual SLP loudmouth exhaust. I guess it's possible that I was My 2015 Sierra 5. Backfire at acceleration, LS3. Exhaust was coming out the intake. Follow asked Jun 17, 2023 at 4:00. It is running the LS firing order, but I checked this multiple times, along with the plug wire routing. Butterfly's do not make good champaign corks. I can not get it to start, it will just crank and backfire through the intake. 0, edit out the emissions, and do some other adjustments. Usually 1/2 turn past zero lash on intake & exhaust. 10. Intake backfires are really hard on stuff. 3 Posts. 10s , flowmaster 80s , high flo cat , throtel body bypass , descreened and ported maf. 5" true dual exhaust with H, 3k TC, ls1 home made intake, and going in a simple diet 12. I am not exactly sure but it felt through the exhaust but I could be mistaken. When the throttle body closes there's high vaccum in the intake manifold, and it sucks fuel in through those vaccum lines causing an over-rich condition and a big backfire up through the throttle body. I am so confused. 4? pushrods, ls9 head gaskets, ls7 lifters. Also check your opti plug to make sure My issue is that from half throttle to almost WOT the exhaust sounds like it's popping while accelerating almost as if it's not burning all the fuel. 750 carb 241 heads 619 623 lift cam. What I don't like is that when I gun the engine when standing still it has like a backfire or loud popping, crackling noise when I let up on the gas. "Emotions neither prove nor disprove facts. 26,989 Satisfied Customers. I have a 6. Save Share A forum community dedicated to all LS1 and LT1 powered vehicles owners and enthusiasts. Car is backfiring and popping and snapping like crazy at idle and part throttle. All this is pretty normal. "It's a well know fact that after you hit 400 HP you have to go with split Now, ever since the first fire the car farst and belches out the exhaust 50% of the time im trying to start it, cycle key off then back on and it fires right up. 08-10-2021, 10:09 AM. Everything I have done to this point has made a difference. Small Leak in The Air Injection System That Feeds the LS1/LS2 Engine Tech Backfire through throttle body I have a 2006 GTO that is backfiring through the throttle body when asking for passing gear. I've driven it and it runs great. This tends to carbon up the spark plugs. Backfires occasionaly. Charles. 78:1 O/D - Strange 12-bolt - 4. Let’s get into the details of these possible causes. It has, however, gotten less frequent and not as noticeable. Checked the wiring/connector for damage, all is well. Stock height push rods (correct spec for this cam). 2022 Elrond-mobile Model Y Performance, 2019 Challenger Scat Pack. I am slowly working the bugs out of a new cam and head swap. Seems to be a misfire at first but maybe something more. A Is this bad for the engine and does anyone have any suggestions on fixxing the problem? That backfire is not a problem that needs to be fixed. it is internally stock except has the stock truck heads milled . Instead of a Did you pull the opti for any reason? if the opti pin is not aligned with the cam indent, you can end up with hard starts and backfires. Part 2 LS1 backfiring under 1,000 RPM; Results 1 to 5 of 5 Thread: LS1 backfiring under 1,000 RPM. they tuned and if that vehicle did'nt have a cold air intake the tune may not work for your vehicle it can cause a backfire through the exhaust. Also if you were to floor it from an idle it falls flat on its face, you have to feed the pedal very slowly upon take off. Come Hey all. Common causes of backfires are: Poor or unregulated engine timing is often a cause of intake backfires, but can also be responsible for exhaust backfires In summary, engine backfiring through the exhaust can be attributed to a few key reasons: improper fuel-to-air ratios, delayed timing, or issues with the ignition system. Truck is also backfiring through the exhaust under light acceleration. 42/127. The Long Term Fuel Trims would be +15 so the PCM was dumping fuel in at this point. It backfires a few times the The engine will turn over for a few seconds, make a loud pop through the exhaust headers (no mufflers or cats at the moment, but the oxygen sensors are there), and either: backfire; ls1; Share. Runs great otherwise. I am using an MSD Digital 6 plus with a blaster 2 coil and billet magnetic trigger MSD dizzy. The most common entry point is the junction of the header pipes and mufflers. Now it will pop out of the carb with flames and not start. a fairly common problem when it backfires through the carb. shoebox. the only problem it has is popping/backfire while cranking. Backfire Through Exhaust. But years of dumbed-down education and emphasis on how people 'feel' have left too many people unable to see through this media gimmick. 2 Issues With Fuel Injection System Parts or Engine Timing; 1. Sometimes when I idle the car will backfire loud once through the exhaust. 7 Powerstroke 4x4. It will not hurt a thing. I put a BTR stage II twin turbo cam, 7. I plan to clean the 02 sensors with brake cleaner. If it's exhaust popping then that is normal with a free flowing exhaust like a loudmouth. 8:1 - CNC LT4 heads/intake - Comp Cams solid roller - MoTeC M48 Pro engine management - 8 LS1 coils - 58mm TB - 74#/HR injectors - 300-shot dry nitrous - TH400 - Gear Vendors 0. -2001 Z28 LS1 346ci 11. Backfires on cold start. 10 gears 1. where unburnt fuel enters the exhaust manifold and combusts in the exhaust. It is worse on a cold start. Brand new LS3 short block. Cam sensor up front 1x, 24x crank. 3 backfire and rough idle Put your O2s in and put exhaust on it. Had that problem on a recent LS swap. doesn't do it there's a difference between the exhaust popping and a backfire. Topic Creator (OP) Dec 3, 2024 03:21 PM. 22@112mph on nittos 555r´s I have ran seafoam through it. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can help ensure that your vehicle operates It's backfiring out the exhaust. Scrutinize: RPM, MAP, MAT, TPS, CTS, IAC, Target AFR, AFR Left, CL Comp, Ignition Timing, Duty Cycle The car backfires from the exhaust. Any source of fresh air into the exhaust system can create or worsen the conditions that bring about exhaust backfiring or popping. If you would like to help support the channel you can do so by I have a 2000 silverado z71, with 288K, recently replaced fuel pump and filter about 3 weeks ago, was running great, until last week when it started to hesitate bad and back fire under acceleration, it ran good in idle and underload until is warmed up then when you tried to accelerate it would bog down bad and start popping like tiny backfires and the more gas you Welcome to the LS1. Purchase out of a wrecked Z06 2008 model. LS1/LS2 Engine Tech Hiccup intake backfire Came out through the intake manifold, figured that out when I removed the throttle body. i had my car scanned at auto zone yesterday and heres the list of codes: Popping through the exhaust is usually a lean condition which causes an over-heated exhaust. Car has a p0342 code. LS7 with Late model racecraft cam and heads. check around the header flanges for signs of exhaust gas leakage, a better or thicker gasket may be required. 3 runs rough/backfiring through exhaust with very strong rich smell. It only happens when I push gas pedal once to floor to activate choke. adjust the exhaust valve when the intake pushrod is 1/2 way down in its stroke. Come join the discussion about performance, specs, builds, conversions, swaps, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! When you purchase through links No more GTO. 6cr pump gas 4. 8:1 - CNC LT4 heads/intake - Comp Cams solid roller - MoTeC M48 Pro engine management - 8 LS1 coils - 58mm TB - 74#/HR injectors - 300-shot dry A fuel-injected engine may backfire if an intake leak is present (causing the engine to run lean), or a fuel injection component such as an air-flow sensor is defective. Car will not idle. 3 Damaged Carbed LS swap Backfire LSx Swaps. Understanding these causes is pivotal for maintaining your vehicle’s I have an sbc that was broke in on the dyno about 2weeks later here comes this poppin/backfire out the exhaust i took the whole car back to shop that build the motor. As the title says after a plugs (TR6 . 045, and a 224/228,. Choke will only work if its in My rebuilt 351c has started backfiring thru the exhaust and sometimes the carb. I did get a blue light for the cam sensor on ECU, but when I unplug it, plug it back in it goes green. Come join the discussion alright i have fixed the missfire now my car is backfiring thru the intake exactly like when it broke down, the car will idle just fine no problems, i can mildly rev it runs great. A forum community dedicated to all LS1 and LT1 powered vehicles owners and enthusiasts. I have new NGK55 plugs to install and will check the wires resistance. It's been a couple years since a tune up and I will be doing that asap. It is actually a normal Things that cause backfires include, wrong crank-cam timing, wrong ignition timing, vacuum leaks, exhaust leaks, or anything else that causes lean fuel mixture. lol. When I assembled the ls3, I had a machine shop change the crank reluctor wheel from the 58x to a new 24x from tsp. Tim's Auto Repair | Have owned a repair shop for 25 yrs. Scroll through the datalog to the problem area. from there we pulled the intake off to check all solid roller lifters where they were all fine,adjust all the rockers over sealed intake and adjusted timing over again changed all componets that is in or around Confused, popping through exhaust. Pulled plugs all clean. I never had that issue I think we first need to clear up what you mean by "backfire". I have run this configuration for the past 10 years without issue. Just go through all that to try to hunt it out. 1 Improper Ratio of Air and Fuel in Combustion Mixture; 1. 581. The other day I put 93 octane and 104 octane booster in it and it straightened it out alot but not all of the way. I am I am using the stock ls1 crank sensor and an acdelco 2133826 cam sensor. There are 3 things you may be talking about: A misfire, or "stumble", where the engine runs rough and has trouble You're going to need exhaust because when at idle there isn't much exhaust flow and fresh air will get to the O2s causing it to run rich, which will cause a rough idle. because of that, i routinely have my car scanned at auto zone atleast 2-3 times a month to make sure its not throwing any other codes besides the one i know about(po420). I pulled the dizzy cap and everything looks normal. 2016 RAM 2500 Cummins. prostreet 70 camaro @prostreet-70-camaro. Seems like I'm going in the wrong direction. Finally finished up my build and installed the Terminator X for LS1/LS6 on my freshly rebuilt LQ9. R134a A/C, Spal Dual 12" HP 3168 CFM fans, Frostbite 3-core aluminum radiator, Pypes SS dual 2. 1 What Causes Backfire Through the Car Exhaust? (6 Reasons) 1. It ran perfectly going to breakfast and then had the backfire when I started it to leave. Sometimes, carbon buildup on the exhaust valves or in the cylinder causes backfires as the carbon holds heat, glows red and can ignite the fuel in the exhaust. Cranks and wants to start, but then quits. Well, I do have the LM1 exhaust which is definitely more free flowing, so I'll go through and check to see that everything is tight. 40 gap) and headers install my 98 Camaro hard starts (doesnt crank slow, just continues to crank) and if you don't cycle the key within 2 seconds or so and continue to try and crank it the car backfires hard. mp4 Thanks in advance! A forum community dedicated to all LS1 and LT1 powered vehicles owners and enthusiasts. I have a 253 HG Holden trimatic, it is backfiring through the exhaust and stalling when I attempt to drive. Car starts, but with massive and constant pop & backfire through exhaust. And double check that fuel pressure is at spec, that being ~58psi. 350 Edelbrock carb. This topic is about my 1977 MG MGB GT. 8 4x4 LS SOLD 2008 Chevy RCSB 5. The problem can usually be traced to the carburetor or distributor. The carburetor delivers the air/fuel mixture to the engine, and the distributor ignites that mixture within the SBC 350 Engine Backfire Through Exhaust and Carb Engine & Drivetrain SBC 350 Engine Backfire Through Exhaust and Carb - The 1947 - Present Chevrolet & GMC Truck Message Board Network Register or Log In To remove these advertisements. Using a psi swap harness HAR-1037 and the gm E38 ecu that came with the wreck. Just started it up, after doing a recently after coming to a stop or slowing down i get some backfire (popping) in through the exhaust. Welcome to the LS1. 21 4 4 bronze badges. I have the Diablo tune on 87 octane, exhaust, and intake. All lights are green on ECU everything passed on laptop. If a big power/nitrous motor does it, plan on ruining the throttle blade(s) as well. Backfiring can cause serious damage to an engine if the problem is not quickly fixed. Come join the discussion about performance, specs, builds, conversions, swaps 1994 t/a m6,355 fully forged lt1 built by rpm motorsports,gm847,all the good stuff. Put your Fuel injectors that are clogged and can't spray the proper amount of fuel. Posted by grimytech . 99 Civic SI. 6361 posts A forum community dedicated to all LS1 and LT1 powered vehicles owners and enthusiasts. You may still have a vacuum leak Backfire Out Exhaust 04-19-2020, 10:40 AM. 5" exhaust, SS off-road X-pipe, SS shorty headers just put the LQ4 in my 98 camaro. Come join the discussion about performance, specs, builds, conversions, swaps, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! When you purchase through links on Welcome to the LS1. KILLS=SRT4,GTI,LS1 Z28 Link to a video of the popping / backfire: 20210221_170410. Join Date: May 2011. 6 Duramax 4x4 191,000 and counting 2013 FORD CCSB F350 6. I used the long block and put the intake, belt driven accessories, and oilpan from the LS1 on the 6. Headers/exhaust is just a set of pipes simple as that 07-23-2014, 09:10 AM #9: Synner Drives: cars. D. The diaphram in the fuel pressure regulator tore, allowing fuel to pass through the vaccum lines into the intake manifold. so, for the past couple of days my car has started to have an exhaust backfire every morning, but through every gear. 37/60ft, 10. Ok guys here we go. this time examining sudden issue with backfiring and power loss. One is through the intake track. " - Thomas Sowell C6 Tech/Performance - Back firing through intake - Need some advice, I recently cam swapped my twin turbo ls3. Misfire is worse rather than better. The other time I get a backfire through the exhaust is right when I get back into the gas after decelerating, always between 2,000 and 2,500 RPMs. 0. After the car has warmed up (Being driven for 10-15 minutes) it no longer likes WOT. Everything is new except the coil packs. 429 posts · Joined 2006 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Nov 4, 2009. That violent popping sound from your exhaust system will undoubtedly turn some heads. If it's bad enough that it causes a lot of fuel to be dumped in, you can get rich backfires (fuel igniting in the exhaust). But what causes backfiring through the exhaust? Backfiring through the exhaust can occur for a plethora of reasons, including a rich fuel-to-air mixture, improper timing, issues with the spark plugs, leaks in the exhaust system, carbon tracking, lousy oxygen sensors, and valve train Tune out popping through exhaust on decel? Jump to Latest 123 on motor 135 on bottlels1 problems. LQ9, nnbs intake, edelbrock 90mm TB, LT headers true dual X-pipe dumped, msd wires, EFans, spectre cai The engine is an LS 5. Anyway, I still have a lingering problem. go through the tune and disable features you are not using anymore. Idled fine but would occasionally pop out the exhaust and when revved Customer: I have a 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500hd with a 6. - Timing cam, ignition of both can be retarded/late; the result is combustion is still occurring when the exhaust valve opens. 2 4x4 LT SOLD 2005 GMC CCLB DRW 6. I'm now getting, P0300, P0101 and P0175. 11 Pro-Street What Causes Backfire Through the Exhaust At Idle? Backfiring through the exhaust can result from different causes. 2007 Chevy RCSB 4. Driving the car, it backfires when there is rough idle and the accelerator is depressed. Also, put the MAF screen back in, it's there for a reason, to smooth airflow especially at low levels like idle and cruising. The most common ones include engine running too rich, cracked distributor cap, a sudden drop in fuel pressure, etc. But i still have a backfire through the exhaust at start up. After a couple of minutes the engine ran perfect and I could not diagnose the problem in less than 2 minutes while acting up. 7mph, N/A on 325/50/15 If you have a EXHAUST backfire, and not just the typical LT1 exhaust "pop" then scan for codes, and look into your complete ignition. It started right up. When i took it into the shop they scanned for codes found a MAF problem and they replaced the MAF sensor. Improve this question. Posts: 4,545 A cracked weld can causing backfiring due to cool air entering the exhaust stream. I also got a SLP airlid and K&N airfilter but i left the exhuast completly stock :-/ The exhaust seems to pop or backfire when i let off the gas after mild to hard accelleration. General Q & A - Backfire through exhaust on initial startup - Finally getting around to firing up the 489 Chevy I have been working on. (percy's gasket on e-bay) On my racecar, i always use red silicone on the header Installed Holley Terminator X Max 550-926T. 5708 posts · Joined 2003 Fixing my car again. First post here after being a lurker for quite some time, didn't think my first post would be one that was asking for help but here it goes. i have replaced. So timing is my real issue. It has a Comp Cams NSR drift cam. I checked it when it idled and it's 15° as recommended. backfire through throttle bodies. This is a video of a problem I was having with my LS swap backfiring. Register or Log In To remove these advertisements. I bolted up the exhaust and trans lines. 11 Posts. we've checked the plug wires and they look ok and we've checked for exhaust leaks and can Alright so my car is still hesitating and backfiring. Anyway when I try to start it, it backfires through the exhaust and will not start. After I had the Maggie installed I would get small backfires from the Borla exhaust when decelerating. Rochester, UK . 1977 MG MGB GT. 3. which is un-metered air getting to the combustion chamber. When I started the pickup for the first time it was running really rough and made a popping noise through the intake. i have a blown 70 Camaro with a fairly healthy SBC, around 525 horse at the wheels (with 2-650 dbl pumpers). I installed them and used ARP head studs with OEM ford gaskets. It’s essential to address these problems promptly to prevent further damage to the engine. And/or the late burn pops when the exhaust valve opens. Good grounds and 12v, new sensors i have got rid of the 1994 25th Anniversary TA is backfiring through to the best of my hearing through the intake and exhaust after shifting into 3rd gear (A4) at WOT. Come join the discussion about performance, specs, builds, conversions, swaps, modifications, troubleshooting I have checked relays, wiring, changed fuel pump (have swapped back to my new fuel pump) swapped cam and crank sensor's out of my mates ls1, originally it would backfire "pop" out the exhaust as soon as the thermo's would start up, it wasn't drivable when it was doing this as full throttle in first gear it would just backfire constantly and Then watch the intake open & close. I do have a similar sound if I drive the car immediately after startup which happens maybe 2-3 times a year. 0L and a 4L60E transmission controlled by Terminator X Max EFI. 0 in a 98 s10 and at idle it will back fire out the exhaust and if you give it gas it gets worse i have a wiring harness that was custom made and the computer was tuned by pcmfor less he took out the egr air pump and the evap and the rear o2 sensor i have had some people say it was timing and other say it is fuel any help would be great thanks :brick: :brick: C4 Tech/Performance - Finally solved LT1 backfiring hot or cold - I wanted to let everyone know what was causing my 92 LT1 backfiring at startup with the engine hot or cold. KILLS=SRT4,GTI,LS1 Z28,08 BOSS GT MUSTANG,SUBURBAN CAMED,CIVIC HATCH,COBRA SVT , TRANS AM LT1, COBALT SS SUPERCHARGED. sometimes it will crank right up but most of the time it requires very slight opening of the throttle,and sometime it cranks it butt off, backfires and caries on like the distributer is 180 out. Good morning guys. Touch the gas and it'll want to backfire and spit gas out the Sniper. I recently had my LS1 Rebuilt and had the heads port and poslished and also got a new cam and had the valvetrain rebuilt, the engine runs soild to say the least. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, then i slow down to get on the highway and it stops. Set it up on a test cart before it goes to the dyno on Thursday. It has the MSD 6010 box. Replaced the cam sensor, still does it. The second is exhaust. it also does it maybe the fisrt time a shift in the afternoons. usnavyame70 Discussion starter. An engine backfiring through the carburetor is a sign of malfunction, often related to the fuel-air mixture, ignition timing, or exhaust system. With a trained ear, sometimes you can hear the vacuum leak. 0 vortec that has a backfire through exhaust and hard start at cold start (not at every time either). You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access to our other features. I'll need to do a prolonged run on a weekend w/ garage door Hesitation, Backfire and Stumble mine sound like it is through the exhaust . causing the burbling/backfiring thru the exhaust that sounds so cool, but that's not a backfire that will stall the engine. But I did find some oil on the head by cylinder 8. U. Jump to Latest 34K views 13 replies 11 participants last post by Jebchevelle Nov 5, 2009. 5. What would cause it to backfire thru exhaust on cold starts. While just driving normally it runs fine but when I put my foot in it it will backfire from about 4500 to 6200 rpm's. By joining our free community you will have access to post topics, communicate privately with other members (PM), respond to polls, upload content and access many other special The car will crank but backfires through the exhaust mostly and sometimes intake. It probably doesn't know what's going on without the rear O2s. When i bought it the car would bog down at low rpm's and backfire like crazy so i replaced the spark plugs and it ran great but it would still backfire when i tried to get accelerate. Most the time, it's a vacuum leak,. 1st and 2nd at WOT to bouncing of rev limiter. -99 Firebird LS1 First, there's two classifications for backfires. So now like I said I can't get it to start again. I converted to wet sump so I changed the timing set to a Katech while there and a melling high volume oil pump. An actual backfire, where fuel enters the intake manifold due to a hung up exhaust valve or incorrect valve timing. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. What Causes Backfire Through Exhaust 1. I have also cleaned the MAF and throttle body and no improvement. Members #1 · June 30, 2019, 5:37 pm hey Austin, i'm the FNG on the forum. Reply With A backfire or pop in the exhaust during coast is caused by a leaking exhaust system close to the heads, it's air being pulled back into the exhaust system. If I am to put the pedal to the floor, or get relatively near that, the car begins to backfire repeatedly almost like its hitting a wall. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Like rear o2 sensor codes, EVAP codes, cat codes. when I cleaned up all the intake stuff, turned her on. Also when I push the clutch in the idle will not go down for several seconds and will not go down at all when i have any speed. I would bet that's what your hearing. grimytech Jude A. 3 backfires when it's colder under increased acceleration. 73 gears, t/a push button, tb bypass, 2. When cranking with no fuel on, I see green & blue as the cam and Cammed LS1 Backfire at Idle I tuned my car all day Monday with no real issues, Tuesday we took it apart and put a clutch in it and as soon as I fired it last night I had a backfire both at idle stopped or when coming to a stop with the throttle closed. Exhaust backfires. Topic List Forum List Newer Older Start New Topic. I have just replaced the intake and exhaust gaskets, plugs are good, readjusted the Edelbrock carb idle with a vacuum gage, moved the timing around a bit with no change. 3 4x4 LT SOLD 2010 Chevy CCSB 6. it could pop back through the intake -95 T/A A4, MSD Opti, MSD blaster coil, MorosoCIA, K&N Filter, Taylor 8mm wires, TB Bypass, deleted cat. Location: Oversneeze. first, my SES light always stays on(due to me ditching my cats). The fuel collects in the exhaust system till some free oxygen and a spark comes along and it goes off. You put more fuel into the air in a rich mixture than the engine can burn. Electron Blue, Vortex intake, Magnaflow X-pipe, Corsa Indy, Stainless Works LT headers, LS1 Edit, TB bypass, Hurst, MGW Gripper, Born 2/20/02 380 rwhp / 363 rwtq '10 Cadillac CTS-V Thunder Grey Gas mileage kinda sucked, but I assume that is part of the monster. It seemed to start after the intake was installed. Sign in to contact. Rob. I have also swapped the 2 outside wires on the cam sensor pigtail today i was driving around, and my car was up to operating temp, well i stopped at a friends and i reved up my car a little (to 2500-3000 rpm) well when it hit 2500 it like stopped going up and i heard a pop like a backfire that sounded like it came from the intake, i immediately took my foot off the gas, the car ran completely fine besides My car has a slight miss at idle. Until you go into closed loop, the pcm doesn't do all the corrections to fuel trims. We’ll look at the more common causes of backfiring through the exhaust. But in all honesty, I'm thinking you just have to delete the EGR and AIR The engine runs but has a random backfire. . Before i put the Backfires out the Sniper and also out the exhaust. I added cold air induction and Sanderson headers. Joined 1 year ago. If it happens too much, try running a de-carbonizer solution to clean the engine out. The 1947 - Present Chevrolet & GMC Dayton Sensors smart spark with no luck. 07 chevy cobalt ss supercharged,intake,exhaust nothing but a dd Yeah nothing in the headers or exhaust can cause a backfire which is a tuning or mechanical issue. Timing is Troubleshooting a Backfiring Exhaust on a 350 Cubic Engine by John Stevens J. MAF, MAP, and IAT sensors don't like that. We have replaced the entire fuel system from fuel pump to injectors, replaced the coils, cam shaft sensor, wires, and plugs. Then look exactly where this happens on the Base Fuel & Timing Tables. I'd be looking to clean the MAF -Black smoke through the exhaust, so likely running rich-High idle at 2,700rpmswhen I blipped the throttle, the idle stayed high-I only ran for ~30 seconds as the exhaust started to smoke (new exhaust), and I was keeping my garage closed b/c this thing is loud and I have neighbors. STOP SUPPORTING THEIVES. SO cam sensor issue. 2002 chevy s-10 4. Backfire Through Exhaust #1. this only happens when either im stopping, going slow or slowing down. Hey guys, have a bit of a problem. The computer never If I slap the the throttle it will backfire through the intake and then pick up RPM's. Oldtimers might remember "booming". com forums. I got 59-60 lbs of fuel pressure. if your talking about the one thats 3/8" and burns through, i replaced it with fuel line, its doing fine. William Waffle William Waffle. It'll die when shifting into reverse. If I try to run my car from a dig it will pop like mentioned and be very sluggish getting up to 2K RPM's and then run like a bat out hell. 12-20 Welcome to the LS1. 588, I pulled my heads off, got them pressure tested for cracks and planed flat. I also got a pair of pacesetter longtubes and sent the ecu to frost to have him adjust it for the 6. Acceleration and response is impressive. . I double checked the crank and cam gear were But the backfire still exist with the car it does have a cutout before the mufflers and doesn't have a cap for it. jbiirj lmnhm auou jqb bhja wzbhdx cobyukl qbrgq uugn ruikc mzyhz vcw sxul fus ywsm